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KTA1298  IO picture
Best Price NOW
Manufacturer: LRC
Desc.: SOT-23 KTA1298 IO LRC Diodes Transistors IC
Package: SOT-23
Quantity Available: Over 765800 pieces
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Datasheet for KTA1298 IO:

KTA1298  IO datasheet
Price for KTA1298  IO
Product Parameters
  • Manufacturer Part Number : KTA1298 IO
  • Manufacturer : LRC
  • Description : SOT-23 KTA1298 IO LRC Diodes Transistors IC
  • Series : KTA1298 IO
  • Device Marking: Contact us
  • Qualified: ROHS ISO9001
  • Feature: -
  • Function: -
  • Voltage: -
  • Current: -
  • IC (mA): -
  • VCEO (V): -
  • Channel: -
  • Package: SOT-23
  • Application: Electronics devices
  • Shipping methods: DHL FEDEX UPS TNT EMS
  • Delivery Time: Ship within 1 day.
  • Standard Production time: 4-6 weeks (Normally have stocks)
  • Weight: 0.001KG
  • Other Part Code: KTA1298 IO
Contact us to check the best price and real time inventory quantity for KTA1298 IO. If you need any more information about KTA1298 IO, you can also send us by email. Our email is
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